Animated Social Sharing Widget For Blogger and Wordpress

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This gadget are discuss many weblog proprietor on their websites, Because this cartoon gadget are Designed by Shareaholic web page and it’s really awesome gadget so these days I am going to tell you all about this and I explain to you how you can add this in blog writer and Wordpress platforms.
This is also help you to improve your guests. when some one check out your site and like your publish and want to discuss on facebook or myspace, tweets or Search engines + etc. So He/She quickly discuss it by using this gadget and if any guests have best buddies then you got some better guests on your blog.


Blogger and Wordpress Code are same so I write Code only Wordpress part you also use this in Blogger.

How To Add Social Sharing Widget To Blogger ?

This is very simple and easy you only follow below steps and add this widget in your blog.
1. Log-in to your Blogger account.
2. Backup your Template
3.Click on The Template>>Edit HTML>> Proceed.
4. Find </body> in your template. [ using Ctrl + F]
5.Now just copy below Code and add it Below/Above the </body>.
6. After Done all things Successfully then Click on the Save Template.

How To Add Social Sharing Widget To Wordpress?

1.Log-in to your Wordpress account and got to Dashboard>>Appearance and then navigate to Editor.
2. Now Then you see The list of Template files, So Click on the footer.php .
3. When page Load Completely then Find </body> [using Ctrl +F].
4. Now paste the below Code below/above it.

<!-- Start Social Sharing Widget Sassy Bookmarks HTML (>
<div class="shr_ss shr_publisher">

<!-- End Shareaholic Sassy Bookmarks HTML -->
<!-- Start Shareaholic Sassy Bookmarks settings -->
<script type="text/javascript">
  var SHRSS_Settings = {"shr_ss":{"src":"//","link":"","service":"5,7,2,313,38,201,88,74","apikey":"b87f5899d80a5edce8b5e55f58542ef0f","localize":true,"shortener":"bitly","shortener_key":"","designer_toolTips":true,"tip_bg_color":"black","tip_text_color":"white","viewport":true,"twitter_template":"${title} - ${short_link} via @Shareaholic"}};
 <!-- End Shareaholic Sassy Bookmarks settings -->
<!-- Start Shareaholic Sassy Bookmarks script -->
<script type="text/javascript">
       (function() {
            var sb = document.createElement("script"); sb.type = "text/javascript";sb.async = true;
            sb.src = ("https:" == document.location.protocol ? "" : "") + "/media/js/jquery.shareaholic-publishers-ss.min.js";
            var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(sb, s);

<!-- End Shareaholic Sassy Bookmarks script -->

5.Click on The Update file and see this beautiful widget on Bottom left of your Blog.

If you like this publish or you got any issue so you can ask by using Opinion area and discuss this gadget with your buddies.