Make Homepage Title Appear After Post Title in Blogger

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 Hi Readers! These days I am going to discuss with you a one newest publish which I will tell you a one must essential aspect of SEO you must study all publish and implement this tip on your website I wish you got some better outcomes.
This is very essential in seo because when you create a one new weblog and after publishing 6-7 content so you need to improve you weblog for better SEO. if you do not improve your website so you not get a some better visitors  from google so it not better for your website so you need to improve your website and get some better visitors on your website from google.
If you want to get more visitors on you weblog so you must implement this tip on your website because when your website is position publish headline before respect headline so google spider are quickly spider your publish headline and display in google look for. So your website are quickly get some better visitors from google.
How To Show Post Title Before Blog Title:

This is very simple you only add one rule in you blog writer design. You also see Below screen shot of my weblog which you can see my publish headline are display before weblog headline.

if your publish headline look like same above screen shot in google look for so you do not need to do anything.
Ok So let start procedure.
1.Log-in to your Blogger account and Click on Template>>Edit HTML
2.Find below code [using Ctrl + F ]

                               <title>< Title/></title>

3.know replace above code with below code.

                             <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
                             <title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>

4.Click on Save Change.
Know see your publish headline will be appear before respect headline. If publish headline do not appear before respect headline so hold out for 24 time and see again I wish it will appear.
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